Fire Protection Tanks
With businesses expanding into rural areas where fire hydrant lines are not available or adequate, dedicated water storage for fire suppression is a necessary safety precaution. A new business, or one that is expanding, is usually mandated by Fire Code to have a tank and often a pump with building sprinklers to secure a Certificate of Occupancy from the area Fire Marshall. We have years of experience working with Fire Departments and fire companies and can handle the legwork associated with ensuring each tank has the necessary storage capacity and fittings for any jurisdictional requirements.
The Fire Protecton tanks are engineered to satisfy NFPA-22 requirements for this purpose. Tanks are readily available in sizes from 10,000 to 100,000 gallons. Larger tanks up to 700,000 gallons are available by special order.
Come by or call us today to discuss your project. We can provide advice, equipment, and installation guidance to create a system tailored to your situation.